Install Northwind database in SQL Server 2012

In this article we will see how to download and install Northwind database in MS SQL Server 2012.

1. First download the database here Northwind database and extract it to your SQL Server Data folder:

“C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL11.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA”

2. Open SQL Server Management Studio and connect to your instance. Right-click the “Databases” folder and click “Attach”.

3. Click “Add…”  in the “Databases to attach:” box and find NORTHWIND.MDF in your folder.

4. Remove “NORTHWIND_log.ldf” then click OK and check the “Databases” folder in SQL Server Management Studio for the “northwind” database.

Install Northwind database in SQL Server 2012 Install Northwind database in SQL Server 2012 Reviewed by Bloggeur DZ on 04:05 Rating: 5

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