Lambda expressions in C#

In the past article, we explained how to use Delegates with C#. However, as we have seen, the syntax of the delegates is a little bit hard. That's why the .Net Framework 3.0 propose the Lambda expressions.

Definition of Lambda expressions:

Lambda expression is an anonymous function containing expressions and functions. It may be used to create delegates or expression tree.

Syntax of Lambda expressions:

(input parameters) => expression or statement block

Left side: Input parameters, it can be empty sometimes.
Right side: The statements list or the block instructions.

The following is an example of Lambda expression:

num => num + 10

Using Lambda expressions with LINQ:

The following example explains how to use Lambda expressions with Linq To Sql in C#.
The example is developed with Visual Studio 2010, first we create the following Windows Form and of course we add Linq To Sql class to the project.

lambda expressions in C#

In findButton click event we add this code to populate the datagridview:

private void findButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    DataClasses1DataContext dc=new DataClasses1DataContext(con);
    //using lambda expression with linq
    var query = dc.Employees
        .Where(emp => emp.Code == textBox1.Text)
        .Select(emp => emp);

    dataGridView1.DataSource = query.ToList();

Lambda statements:

Lambda statement is an expression Lambda which the statements (the right side) are enclosed in braces as follows:

(input parameters) => {statement;}

For example we use Lambda with Delegate:

delegate void MyDelegate(string s);
MyDelegate myDel = n => { string s = n + " " + "World"; Console.WriteLine(s); };

Lambda with the standard query operators:

The .Net Framework propose many methods that use Lambda expressions such Func<T,TResult>  delegate type which is a delegate with parameters that defines  type of parameters and the type of return delegate. This delegate is defined like:

public delegate TResult Func(TArg0 arg0)

The following example shows how to use Lambda expressions with Func:

public void Main()
    Func<int,int> myDelegate = x => x*x;
    int square = myDelegate(5);


Lambda expressions are now very used in .Net Framework, and these some points to remember while using:
  • A lambda expression can return a value and may have parameters.
  • Parameters can be defined in a myriad of ways with a lambda expression.
  • If there is single statement in a lambda expression, there is no need of curly brackets whereas if there are multiple statements, curly brackets as well as return value are essential to write.
  • With lambda expressions, it is possible to access variables present outside of the lambda expression block by a feature known as closure. Use of closure should be done cautiously to avoid any problem.
  • It is impossible to execute any unsafe code inside any lambda expression.
  • Lambda expressions are not meant to be used on the operator’s left side.

Lambda expressions in C# Lambda expressions in C# Reviewed by Bloggeur DZ on 12:30 Rating: 5

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